Saturday, August 20, 2005

2005-2006 Class Schedule

My schedule finally came in.

A Day:
1. French III IB - Justice
3. Networking I - Haney
5. Math Methods IB - Fielding
7. Chemestry I IB - Moore

B Day:
2. Physics I IB - Fisher
4. English II IB - Harsen
6. Jass Ensemble - Wright
8. Civics & Economics - Vrettos

I kinda screwed myself over in once class. I signed up for Jass Ensemble, and the class (supposedly) requires an audition. I didn't do an audition. (When I turned my blue card in, I thought I could figure out how to do it. I couldn't.) I'm probably gonna call the school before school starts to ask about it. Suggestions of what to do, anyone?

I can't tell to much about my teachers, becuase I haven't met most of them yet. Ms. Justice substituted for our french teacher once, and she seems all right, but many people don't seem to like her. I've met Ms. Haney at a LAN Party before, and she seems nice. (Also, my brother had her, and didn't complain.) I think Mr. Fisher is (used to be?) my homeroom teacher, and if he is, he seems all right.

Anyone care to compare schedules/give impressions of teachers/tell me where the heck the A building is (A4, where Jass Ensemble is)?


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