Thursday, August 11, 2005

Summers Lost

Amazing how much time you can burn playing online poker for fun.

I gotta start doing constructive stuff, like learning website design (which has a hard learning curve) or doing my summer reading project, but how can that stuff compete with lazy stuff like surfing the web or watching tv?

Something's gotta break sometime.

And now for something completely different. My family is taking a vacation/family visit from Saturday to Tuesday. We're going to my Aunt Wood's house on Saturday, Atlantic Beach (i think that's what it's called) on Sunday, and my Aunt Alice's house on Monday. That makes time for me to do my summer reading, I guess. If only I had a laptop to take with me... (insert jealous glare at Roach)

I shoulda bought a book or two today at the mall. Heck, I'll ask/bribe my dad to take me to the bookstore tomorrow.


At 8/12/2005 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the one hand it's harder for me to comment now, me being on livejournal, not blogspot or whatever this is. On the other hand, you like this better and it only takes a minute of extra typing. Also I get to say hi to old people from middle school. Hi Roshan, hi Lucas, you probably don't remember me, but hello anyway.

Please forgive this comment not being very coherent. I havn't had much sleep.


At 8/12/2005 9:32 AM, Blogger Matthew said...

You arest forgeiven.

This Blogger thing rocks. (The domain name is blogger when I post, and blogspot on the actual blog. Weird.) I can actually edit the HTML/CSS of my blog, which lets me do a bunch of cool stuff, like make random insults at Lucas's overly democrat/liberal blog. (And yes, I know you've just made one political post so far, Lucas. And no, that wasn't bipartisan.)

At 8/12/2005 10:26 AM, Blogger Roshan said...

Ha, well, I remember Claire and hi, it's nice to talk to you again.

At 8/12/2005 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This must be some other Claire you speak of. I am Clare. Notice the missing "i".

Please take no offense from me correcting you. It is just a small pet peeve, especially when my name is posted directly above my comment...Anyway, good to know I am not so easily forgotten as I had thought.

At 8/12/2005 3:21 PM, Blogger Matthew said...

Forgotten? You two freaking go to the same school.

Stupid large campus.


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