Tuesday, August 16, 2005

autumn woes

I'm gonna have to get used to having more people read my blog/journal/whatever you wanna call it. (I used to be able to post anything that I wanted, and be guarenteed a maximum of one person woulda saw it. Heck, I could even make posts only I could see.)

I'm somewhere between worried and gloomy right now. Summers end's always seem to make me feel like that. A summer has gone, a new school year is coming. I don't know my class assignments yet, and they've been on my mind for the past couple of weeks. And there's the pain of having spent another summer (this time only mostly) wasting my time on things like television.

I haven't got my class assignments yet. (Has anyone? Please comment.) They may have come in while we were gone, in which case they are in the mail that my neighbor has been collecting for us while we vacationed. And I have so many things to worry about. There's always the matters of if I get any classes with friends, and who I share lunch periods with. But this time, I'm especially worried about the teachers I'm going to get. I've heard bad things about a few of the teachers I could possibly get. And it's important that I get teachers who like me if I'm going to apply to NCSSM, unless I want Ms. Anliker, Ms. Franklin, and Ms. Gibson writing letters of reccomendation for me. (Ms. Gibson writing a letter of reccomendation = decent. Ms Franklin writing a letter = so-so. Ms Anliker writing a letter = not so great. But not too bad. I gotta remember that she has a blog, too. (if only i could find it))

Oh yeah. And I still have that summer reading to worry about. (All I have finished while on my trip was the 60-page, half-of-the-book introduction to the Epic of Gilgamesh)

So, long story short, I feel really crummy right about now.


At 8/17/2005 6:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I havn't gotten my class assignments yet. I think they're supposed to come today.

Also, I havn't actually done any of the summer reading. Do you know what it is for non IB kids? I seem to have misplaced my sheet...

At 8/17/2005 6:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nevermind, I just checked the MP website for the summer reading. ONly one book?? This is pathetic. I have plently og time to get this done.

At 8/17/2005 6:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's only 158 pages! I'm sorry, this is just sad.

Also sorry you are feeling bad. hope you feel better soon.

At 8/17/2005 3:14 PM, Blogger Roshan said...

i haven't gotten my stuff either, supposedly it comes sometime this week...


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