Saturday, October 08, 2005

Thoughts on Last Year's English Exam

I remember this odd feeling at the end of last year's double-block English exam. (Ms. Anliker turned our back-to-back exams for English 1 and Freshman Seminar into one, 4-hour-long, English exam from Hades.)

The last part of the exam was writing down examples of literary devices in this movie (tv series, really) that we were watching during the year. As soon as I got to it, I had this odd feeling of closure. That this was the end. That once I came up with 10 literary devices from "Taken", I never had to worry about Freshman English or Ms. Anliker again. (Well, until I want her to write me a letter of reccomendation for NCSSM. But she explicitly said to me that she wanted to anyways.)

As I turned in my exam, I felt like saying something profound. (Like "It is finished.") One of the weirdest feelings I've ever had.


At 10/10/2005 3:09 PM, Blogger Roshan said...

I felt like that too, maybe it was just Anliker's attitude, mixed with the aura of "Taken."


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