Saturday, October 07, 2006

If I didn't have too much to do

The internets are bitter and ironic.

I stumbled across a wiki, with articles about the differences between not having enough time, and having too much to do. (Stop contradicting me!)

Not having enough time is an unsolvable problem. There's no way to create more time, unless an asteroid suddenly hits the earth and days are 25 hours long.

Having too much to do is the opposite. You can work smarter and harder, and find a way to solve said problem.

I guess time is like the law of conservation of energy, where it cannot be created, but can be changed in form.

Inspiring, perhaps, but doesn't neccesarily make essays less intimidating. Pity.


At 10/09/2006 2:53 PM, Blogger Clare said...

I know the feeling.


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