Thursday, September 07, 2006

Schedule Coincidences

My '06-'07 schedule is as follows:

1. IB Theory of Knowledge
3. IB History of the Americas
5. AP Computer Science
7. IB English III

2. IB French IV
4. IB Biology II
6. IB HL Math II
8. IB Physics II

Some notes and thoughts:

I don't share any lunches with Clare, which sucks big time. At least we'll see each other at the writer's club meetings and such.

I've got most of my right-brain, humanities courses on A-days, and my left-brain, math and science courses on B-days. Because my French and Computer Science teachers don't assign pretty much any homework, my homework schedule really lines up like that.

I've had none of my A-day teachers before, and all of my B-day teachers before either my freshman or sophomore year.

Ms. Berini, he teacher for English III isn't quite as bad as some people make her out to be. She seems like a nicer to-your-face version of Ms. Anliker. I'll bet that she grades with an iron fist, but I'm not quite sure yet.


At 9/08/2006 6:11 PM, Blogger Roshan said...

School this year seems fine. Classes and workload are stronger, but we'll do well enough. Those coincidences with your schedule are really strange.

At 9/09/2006 11:12 AM, Blogger Clare said...

AHAHAHA! You have Ms. Berini... JUst don't slack off and you'll be fine.

And yeah, it sucks we have no lunches together...but I'm seeing yo u later today actually, so no big deal. It's not like we won't keep in touch.


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