Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Great Data Migration of 2006

I finally gave up, and bought a USB flash drive. I got a spiffy, 2 gig, aluminum one from that only cost me 40 bucks plus shipping. Supposedly, it's a little slow, but I can't really notice anything as I have nothing tangible to compare it to. It transfered my 80+ MB pictures folder to the drive in 40 seconds, which comes out to about 2 Mbps. Ah well, so what if legacy Ethernet was 5 times faster?

It's gonna be really useful for transferring all of my data from my PC to my new laptop at school. It irks me that they only give us our laptops once were at NCSSM. If they let us have the computers beforehand, we could migrate all of our data and install all of the software that we wanted on the laptops beforehand. However, now that I have 2 gigs of space to play with, I can take all of my files, plus some other stuff to expedite the process of downloading/installing software. Methinks I can get an install package of Firefox on the drive, and not even have to download it to the laptop.

Speaking of which, I'm gonna be spending a load of time instailling software to the new laptop. First of all, if I want to set it up as a dual-boot machine with possibly Fedora core 5, that'll take at least a few hours. Then there's Firefox, OpenOffice, iTunes, some incarnation of Myst, probably Dev C++, definately a Python install package, and possibly several other things I'm forgetting.

Yup, I'm a nerd. Guess we established that 3 paragraphs ago.


At 7/30/2006 7:52 PM, Blogger Mitch said...

So! I don't know if you check your comments, or your e-mail for that matter, but I've already mailed this to you and you've not responded so I figured I'd try commenting.

1) - link to my livejournal

2) - link to an image, because this wretched website won't let me post the image itself.

These links combined (as I've previously said in my e-mail) mean that I am inviting you to my birthday party. It's fine if you don't want to/can't come, but please let me know.

Have a nice day.

At 7/30/2006 9:00 PM, Blogger Roshan said...

Nice. I've had my 256 one for ages, and it is useful as hell. I would def. try and dualboot the comp, it'll be made for that, seeing how nice it is. Don't install iTunes, Winamp is much much better. Firefox is good.

At 7/30/2006 11:52 PM, Blogger Matthew said...

Too bad I've already bought/downloaded some music with iTunes. Shame on me.

I should probably swich music players sometime, and definately switch sources of buying music online, but I just haven't gotten around to doing so yet.

Maggi, you sure you have the right e-mail address? I check it very, very frequently.

At 7/31/2006 8:59 AM, Blogger Mitch said...

No, I'm not at all sure I have the right address. All I have is what Clare gave me, and she wasn't even sure it was still active.


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