Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Can I have my life back, now?

Ok, so I turned my paper in this morning. (Actually, my brother turned it in. I was feeling really sick this morning - must have been the two cups of coffee last night and two hours of sleep.)

I really don't think it's that great. It's certainly way shorter than I would have liked - only about 2100 of the maximum 4000 words.

But, it's done. They can't fail me out of the IB. (well, so long as I do at least mediocre in TOK, where I'll probably do much better than that) Besides, as Coach Ru pointed out, the extended essay is only worth bonus points towards the diploma.

It's nice, not having this burden hanging over my head any more.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

4000 to go

Ok, we're one week out from the extended essay being due. I've pretty much got a topic, but not much more than that.

One week. Four thousand words. I can do this.

I've had the mentality over the past few weeks of just trying to make it to the Charelston trip next week with the Charlotte Math Club. There's a finite and constantly decreasing amount of time between now and when I get to relax.


On a side note, I finally figured out how to convert my blog to the new blogger. Forgive my lack of posting over the past few weeks/months.